
"Beyond the ordinary: Let our Amazing adventures to Inspire the world"

Unleash Your Spirit with "Inspire Karakoram Adventure"
( Your Adventure Partner )

Bondit Expedition (6,000-M+)

30 Days

Unclimbed Bondit Peak

Bondit Peak is indeed a popular destination for mountaineers and trekking enthusiasts, located in the Karakoram Range of Mountains in Pakistan. The stunning panoramic views from the summit make it an attractive and challenging climb for experienced mountaineers. The climb typically takes several days, starting with a trek through the beautiful landscapes and summer clearances of Kandey Village. During the trek, you will have the opportunity to experience the hospitality of the local people and learn about their culture and way of life. The climb itself involves technical rock and ice climbing, as well as navigating crevasses and steep snow slopes. Climbers must be in excellent physical condition and have prior experience in high-altitude mountaineering.

Summit Attempts:
Arriving at base camp in late June, the Hungarians first acclimatized by climbing a pristine, unnamed peak in the region. After a bivouac at 4,800 meters, they opened Hungarian Dances (50°, 5c, D), a rocky 600m route located on the east face of this summit which they chose to call Amanat Brak (from the name of the young son of their Pakistani cook) and that their altimeter measured 5,412 m.
A few days later, while they were attempting to climb another virgin summit in the Nangma Valley, bad weather appeared to block their way to the summit and above all to prevent any attempt at K6. The five climbers then turned to the mountains that rise on the western side of the nearby village of Khande and finally set their sights on Bondit Peak (5,980m).
“ Here is the never-climbed Bondit Peak, previously called Muntin Peak, the exact height of which is not even known. The only thing we knew about the mountain with its very impressive shapes was that it could reach almost 6,000 meters high and that several expeditions (including a New Zealand-Irish team and two Japanese teams) had attempted to climb it , so far without success. One of the Japanese teams failed in June this year, ” said the report from the Hungarians.

” We await to serve you our service and share our experience with you “



  • Airport pick-up and drop-off.
  • Domestic Flights.
  • Transportation for City to City, briefing, debriefing, and sightseeing.
  • Three nights' accommodation in a twin bed room in Islamabad with breakfast included
  • Three nights' full board accommodation in an Islamabad hotel.
  • Two nights' full board accommodation in a Chilas hotel.
  • Local staff wages, insurance, food, and equipment.
  • Low porters for carrying expedition and trekking equipment and food.
  • 75kg per climbing member on the way up.
  • 50kg per climbing member on the way down.
  • All trekking and base camp food.
  • Members tent, mess tent, kitchen tent, store tent, office tent, shower tent, toilet tent, tables, chairs, and kitchen utensils.
  • Assistance with reconfirmation of international flight tickets.
  • Camping fees, road taxes, and bridge crossing fees.
  • Equipment for low porters.
  • Documentation and climbing permit.
  • CKNP west management fee.
  • Royalty fee and additional member fee.
  • Liaison officer kit allowance, food, and flight fare.
  • Electric generator or solar system at base camp.
  • Heating system at base camp.


  • Member international flight tickets.
  • Helicopter emergency rescue fees (refundable if not used), currently at US $25,000
  • Member climbing gear.
  • Member personal insurance.
  • High altitude tent.
  • High altitude food.
  • High altitude porter.
  • Sleeping bag and all personal expenses such as telephone calls, fax, email charges, liquor or soft drinks, room service, gratuities for personal services, and items of a purely personal nature
  • Custom clearing charges (import and export of equipment)
  • EPI gas and oxygen cylinder.
  • Any unforeseen expenses such as road block or extra hotel stay, or if members stay more days at Base Camp, then members will be charged according to the number of days.
  • Any unforeseen expenses (just like road block extra hotel stay or if members stay more days at Base Camp) then members will be pay according to the numbers of days basses.
  • If any trekking or climbing members split during the period, their extra expenses will be charged according to the normal price.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Bondit Expedition (6,000-M+)
  • 6,500 Meters
  • 5-6 Hours
  • June to September
  • Islamabad
  • Islamabad
  • Hotels & Camping
  • Aircraft, High Roof, 4x4
  • Licensed Professional Guide
  • English, Spanish, Chinese
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • 20% Deposit